On OS X you'll need to add your keys to the Keychain by using ssh-add -K, once this is done OS X will use ssh-agent to query the Keychain for your password.
If you have a password on your key, then you must use ssh-agent. You must have a ssh-key that allows you to perform login without password.You must have both ssh and rsync installed, both locally and on the remote server.Detailed console output so you know what gets synced where.Parse arguments to rsync for advanced usage (or features not yet included).Hooks for running a command on the remote host before and after sync.Selective sync: Only sync part of a project folder to remote server.Exclude files, either for the whole project, a single fold or just a single remote.Auto generate initial rsync-ssh configuration for all folders in a project.Single file save only syncs the file being saved.Sync whole project or just a single remote or destination.Each project folder can have multiple remotes, and each remote can have multiple destinations.Upload one or more project folders to one or more remote servers.A remote can have one or more destinations.A destination is a path on specific server as a specific user.A remote is a local project folder configured for sync.This plugin will let you sync your project folders to one or more remote servers using rsync and ssh. Sublime like Snippet-System with placeholder support easy create and use text fragments again and again.Keep remote directories in sync with local project folders.Custom-Themes create your own editor themes.Different light and dark themes (include solarized, monokai and many more).NEW! Siri Shortcuts create newfile / start shell / connect to shell / preview /more soon.NEW! Multi-caret Editing Create multiple cursors and edit it together.CMD-mode (keep your hands on the vKeyboard, run commands like copy, cut, paste and many more by pressing cmd+c,cmd+x,cmd+v.).
(optional), tag and bracket matching, autoformat code (for many language), find by regular expressions, replace, replace all